Refund Policy

Sealed Items

Damaged and or Defective items

Volution Cards and Collectables will only issue refunds/exchange products if the damaged/defective item is returned to us in exactly the same condition it was received by the customer.

Volution Cards and Collectables will cover the shipping cost of the damaged/defective item from the customer's nominated delivery address to our office in Melbourne, Victoria. However, it must be noted that Volution Cards and Collectables reserves the right not to reimburse postage costs unless it expressly approves the item being returned to us. Therefore, it is important that if you have received a damaged/defective item, you must contact us within 5 days of receiving that item.

Change of Mind

Volution Cards and Collectables does not offer refunds or exchanges for change of mind.

Order Cancellation

After placing an order, you may request a 100% no-hassle refund if your goods have not been shipped. Please send us an email to inform us that you wish to cancel your order. Your payment will be refunded through the same payment method used during checkout.

Please note that a 5% handling fee may apply, due to the associated fees charged by the companies to us in these circumstances.

Single Cards

Due to the fluctuating value of single cards, Volution Cards and Collectables can not accept returns on single card purchases. There are two exceptions:

  1. If you are not satisfied with the condition of the card(s) received, you have 24 hours from the time of delivery to contact Volution Cards and Collectables. Upon receiving a return approval, you may return the item(s) in the same condition they were received. When the returned item(s) have been received, replacement items will be sent to you. In the event that a replacement can not be supplied, a full refund including any shipping costs will be issued.

  1. If you receive an item(s) that you did not order, you have 48 hours from the time of delivery to notify Volution Cards and Collectables. Upon receiving a return approval, you may return the item(s) in the same condition they were received. Volution Cards and Collectables, replacement items will be sent to you and a refund on the cost of shipping to return the item(s). In the event that a replacement can not be supplied, a full refund including any shipping costs will be issued.